Monday, July 16, 2012
I say YES to fun weekends in Pärnu!
Suvi on täies hoos! Kuigi jah, kui praegu siin kampsun seljas ja teetass käes istudes aknast välja vaadata, siis tunne on sügisene. :D Igatahes nädalavahetusel oli suvi ja suvepealinn Pärnu teemas! Sihtmärgiks oli eelkõige sõpradega mõnusalt aega veeta, nalja teha ja pidutseda. Simple as that! Ja pidu sai ja oi, kuidas veel sai.
Ürituseks oli Beach Grind @ Club Sunset koos Netsky ja Camo&Crooked`iga. Kes selliseid nimesid ei tea, siis nüüd tuleb youtube abiks võtta. ;) Igatahes korralik dnb küttepidu, kus ligi 3200 inimest panid täiega hullu. Seda kõike on päris raske sõnadesse panna ja sellepärast ma pigem ei üritagi, sest sõnadest jääb väheks. Leidsin youtube`st mingi sellise video, mis vähesel määral annab aimu, mis toimus.
Kuigi ilmateade väga ei hellitanud lootusi, et Pärnus olles randa ka saab, siis vaatamata tugevale külmale tuulele, õnnestus meil järgmisel päeval mingi poolteist tundi ikka rannatoolide taga tuulevarjus päikest võtta.
Kohustulik ring sai ka Steffanis tehtud ja samuti tegime tiiru veinifestivalil, mis oli rannahotelli kõrvale püsti pandud. Sellest inspireerituna otsustasimegi tol õhtul teha veiniõhtu, mis lõppes jällegi kord sellega, et kõik tulid linna pealt erinevatel aegadel koju ja magama saadi kell 6.30 kui sedagi. Good times!
Laupäev andis küll hommikul suuri lootusi, et saab veel enne ärasõitu randa, aga minut peale söömise lõpetamist lahedas Supelsakste kohvikus, sadas maha selline padukas, et lootused purunesid. Läksime rõõmsalt lahku ja sõitsime kõik erinevates suundades kes koju, kes sõprade juurde, kes Tallinnasse. :)
Tänud Aira, Kosa, Paurik, Marten, Laur, Oliver & Andreas!
The summer is here. Well actually I am sitting here in my sweater with a cup of tea right now, since the weather is damn cold, but we spent the weekend in the capital of summer- Pärnu! We went there to party and have a good old time. And that we did.
The main event of the weekend was a drum`n bass event called Beach Grind, where the performers included Netsky and Camo&Crooked. About 3200 people attended the event and it was full on madness. In a good way of course. Everybody went crazy and words won`t do this event justice so I`ve located a little video in youtube. It doesn`t really do it justice either but you slightly get the idea.
Even though the weather forecast was not optimistic we still managed to snuck in a little sunbathing at the beach. Pärnu`s beach is the most popular in Estonia but that day it was pretty much empty since there was a chilly wind outside. We didn`t care because we don`t get to go there as often anymore so we had to take advantage. There is also a legendary Italian restaurant called Steffani in Pärnu. The place is always a must since the pizza there is delicious. We also attended a small wine festival and decided that we`ll have a wine evening that night. It pretty much ended up like the last evening when everyone got home at like 6.30 in the morning. But it was so worth it.
The last day gave hope at first that we can go to the beach again. But when we finished lunch it was pouring rain outside and everyone decided to end the fun weekend there and go their seperate ways. All an all a perfect Pärnu weekend. ;)
Friday, July 6, 2012
I say YES to spontaneus fun-filled days with my friends!
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Me sõitsime linnast välja. Tegime peatuse, et teha pilti keset rapsipõldu. Need on nii võrratult kollased praegu.
Me sõitsime Kiidjärve juurde ujuma. Vette hüpates oli vesi eriliselt külm. Mingi aja möödudes läks aga järjest soojemaks ja lõpuks oli väga mõnus. Väljas sadas õrnalt vihma.
Me läksime Risse suvilasse, kus me korjasime ja sõime metsmaasikaid. Mõnusalt magusaid.
Me peatusime tagasiteel tee ääres, et teha heinapallidega pilti. See on olnud Risse suur unistus juba pikka aega.
Me naersime terve päev ja eriti palju ja eriti kõvasti.
Me teeme seda varsti jälle! ;)
We started our day by going to breakfast together. We had omlettes and latte's and fun girl talk.
We drove out of the city. We stopped the car to take pictures in the middle of a rapeseedfield. They are gloriously yellow this time of year.
We went to a lake called Kiidjärve. It was lightly drizzling rain. There was noone else there but the 4 of us. We jumped in and it was shocking cold at first but then it started to warm up and the water was amazing.
We went to pick some wild strawberries at my friends summer house. They tasted delicious.
We stopped by the side of the road to take photos with the hay rolls. It had been my friends long last dream to do that. So we did.
We laughed a whole lot!
We are going to have days like these again! :)
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