I happened to see a talk show where the subject was "Career women who don`t yet have kids" or something like that. It sort of made me think about these things. The women in the show were happy with their choice of not having kids yet they didn`t say they never wanted them which shows that they do think about it but not just yet. They were mostly in their thirties or early forties. I am still only 26 but thinking about it my mom had 2 kids already at my age and some people are still under the influence that women have to have children before they are 30. I don`t agree with those people whatsoever.
Firstly nobody HAS to do anything they don`t want to these days and those old school point of views are definitely old. I think these days it is not the norm to have 2 kids and a husband. As those women were passionately speaking about their careers I started to think that I too love my job and am not thinking about having kids yet. Okay true, I haven`t really found the one person missing in this equation and that is the baby daddy but I think when you find somebody you love you don`t necessarily need kids right away. Take the years to enjoy each others company and travel and enjoy life all together. Though that is where the age issue comes in. When is it too late to have kids. An old school man in that show said that girls should have children by the age of 22. In which case my train has left the station. I think I was a total child at the age of 22 and didn`t even dream about having kids but I remember when I was like 18 or so I thought that by the age of 30 I would totally have at least one child :D Being 26 now I think I will have to eat my words because I really don`t see kids in the near future for me and I am totally okay with that. I have a baby brother who is 6 years old so I sort of "have a kid" already :D
The thing is I actually admire the young mothers under 30 who have gotten their shit together so to speak. Who have worked out their lives and are happy about their decision and who are doing great raising their children with the ones they love or alone. I have friends who have kids and are doing just fine. I just think it is also okay to not want kids and I think the society should also accept the choice of those who want to work or do other stuff instead. Sometimes I feel the pressure on women having children is so big that some women almost purposely rebel against it. I luckily don`t have those kinds of parents or friends who pressure me but then again I don´t really have a relationship either and it is sort of hard to get pregnant on your own. :D
So what do you think of the matter? What is the right time to have children? Is it still related to age these days or is it more about the status of life you`re in at the time?