Aira ja Risse elavad koos Tallinnas ja Paurik elab ka Tallinnas nii et mina ja Kosa võtsime rongi ja sõitsime ka sinna. Alustame siis sellest, et ma pole oma elus veel ükski kord rongiga Tallinnasse sõitnud ja ei teadnud meie uuenenud rongisüsteemist midagi. Olin positiivselt üllatunud, istmed olid pehmed, jalgadel oli ruumi, vagun oli soe ja pilet oli natuke odavam kui bussiga sõites nii et igaljuhul positiivne kogemus. Ma ütlen JAH rongisõitudele. :D
Eestlastele vist ei pea nüüd meelde tuletama, et see nädalavahetus oli Eestis kõige külmem üldse, aga see meid ei heidutanud. Jõudsime Aira ja Risse juurde, Paurik jõudis ka natuke peale meid, avasime pudeli veini ja Aira tegi meile eriti maitsva mee-sinepi-kana pasta. Nädalavahetus oli alanud. Meil oli tõsiselt äge, rääkisime naistejuttu, jõime, sõime, tegime meiki ja kogu jama. Plaan oli üle vaadata Club Studio, kus toimus Red Bull Whiteout ürituse pre-party. Esimest korda elus läksin kluppi villaste sokkidega nii et rist kirja selle koha pealt :D Ja klubi oli eriti äge, muusika oli väga hea, mina ja Risse igatahes tantsupõrandalt ei lahkunud 96% peol oldud ajast nii et great success.
Laupäeval läksid Aira ja Kosa Helsingisse pidu panema (jah, see on pidutsemise uus tase, ehk siis nädalavahetuseks teise riiki pidutsema :D). Mina ja Risse jäime Tallinnasse. Saime veits śopata ja Solarises sushit süüa ja vaadata kuidas "Ringvaate" saate jaoks filmiti Eesti laulu poolfinaliste. Õhtul avasime uue pudeli veini ja otsustasime, et jääme koju sest väljas vist langes see temperatuur veel madalamale. Tarmo käis külas, mis oli väga tore, sest polnud teda kaua näinud. Ja Sony Entertainmenti pealt algas Seks&Linna maraton nii et igatpidi sobis. Pühapäeva hommikul tegin Rissele hommikusööki. Jah, selline hea sõber olengi :) ja pidingi juba hakkama kodu poole minema.
Kokkuvõttes oli supertore ja õnneks on mul veel asja Tallinnasse lähikuudel, nii et saab veel minna sinna. Jeeeee..
Paurik tegi väga ilusi meigi, aitäh ;) |
Kosaga ripsmed pikaks ;) |
siis poosetasime |
Ja Aira ja Risse ka poosetasid |
Hommikusöök. |
Seks&Linna maraton-ajee |
Aitäh sõbrad, väga kihvt oli!
I love Tallinn! I really do. It`s not exactly a metropol but comparing to Tartu (where I live), it is pretty big. I have lived there for a while when I was dancing in musicals and I loved it. But nowadays I normally go there for workshops and only for 1 day etc. So one weekend me and my friends decided that we will have a girls weekend in Tallinn. well sort of...
So 2 of my close girlfriends live together in Tallinn and one lives with her boyfriend and 2 of us live in Tartu. Complicated much?! :D Anyway, us Tartu girls (me&Kosa) took a train (I say YES to taking a train to Tallinn) on friday evening. I hadn`t been on a train for a very long time and things have changed for the better. The train was extremely convenient and it was warm and it took the same time as the bus but it was a bit cheaper so a positive experience all together. We arrived in Tallinn and now is the time to tell you about the weather. It was THE coldest weekend in Estonia this winter. Temperatures went from -24C to -35C. Yes, when I say cold, it means COLD! :D
We arrived at Risse`s and Aira`s place and decided to immediately open a bottle of wine because we were freezing. Not long after Paurik arrived and Aira made us a very delicious honey-mustard chicken pasta and the weekend had begun. We had the best time, we drank and laughed and had some serious girl talk. One of our friends had some really exiting news which we all were so very happy about ;) and we did each others make up etc. So the whole deal. The plan was to go to a club , not thinking about the -25c weather outside. I don`t think I`ve ever went to a club wearing my woolen socks but this time I did, so check that :D The club was really cool and the music was awesome and we had a great time. Me & Risse danced the whole time, literally, we never left the dancefloor.
On saturday 2 of us went to Helsinki to a big drum`n bass party and so me & Risse were in Tallinn for saturday and sunday. We did a little bit of shopping and went to Solaris center for sushi and saw how they filmed the Eurovision semi-finalists videos there. In the evening , another bottle of wine. Tarmo came over which was cool. And then we had a Sex & the City marathon which is always a good time. I think I need to take the time and write a seperate post about my love for Sex & the City. :D And sunday I made Risse breakfast, yes I know, I am that kind of a best friend. And then headed back home. :(
All and all it was a perfect Tallinn weekend and thankfully I have bussiness in Tallinn in the near future so I get to go again.
Thank you friends , it was awesome!
PS! All photos by my BFF Risse (her blog)
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