Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 9 - hold your focus

  Today's challenge was all about balance. Since I am a big fan of balance exercises I use them regularly in my functional training and toning classes. And it really pays off. The yoga balance poses are so much easier when you have strong core muscles. Of course my balance isn't perfect, I forget to breathe quite a lot and have to remind myself often. Then when I do breathe I feel wobbly but it's normal. I liked that today it wasn't like a pose-break-another pose kinda workout but it actually was like a little flow and a small routine. I felt like properly doing yoga for a minute. :P I also think I want to do the balance sequence one more time at home since I am visiting my parents and didn't take my yoga mat with me. I did the whole sequence on a carpet which isn't ideal for holding your balance. One of the poses today was the tree pose which has three options on where to put your leg. I can only put my leg on my shin but you can go as high as up to your thigh. I hope I make it there someday because right now it is not happening. I feel like my legs are too thick for that but I have learned that is has nothing to do with the thickness but it's all about the flexibility which will come in time.


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