Okei, seda otsust peab nüüd natuke seletama. Tahan sellega öelda, et jällegi kord olen viimastel päevadel tulnud arusaamisele, et on asju, mis ei olene absoluutselt minust ja mille peale vihastamine on lihtsalt ajaraiskamine. Ja peab olema rohkem leppiv ja nö valima oma lahingud mida pidada, sest kõiki neid sõdida pole lihtsalt tervisele kasulik :D
Nagu näiteks nüüd see lumi, mis on vallutanud Eestimaa. Ei saa just öelda, et ma kohe alguses olin leppiv sellega. Ma olin püstivihane kui jälle olid kõik teed lumised, auto ainult uisutas ja kuskile parkida ei saanud sest lumevallid olid puusani. Paar päeva ma mõtlesin, et ma helistan ja annan oma töö ära ja ei pista üldse pead teki alt välja. Kolmandal päeval jõudsin aga arusaamisele, et ma ei saa selle vastu mitte kui vähimatki teha, et see lumi jälle maha sadas. Nii et ma läksin ostsin endale uued paksud püksid ja panin labida autosse ja aksepteerisin seda, et lumi on Eesti talve osa ja õigem oleks seda nautida. :) Mõeldud- tehtud. Täna otsustasin auto üldse maja ette jätta ja jala tööle kõndida ja ausalt öeldes oli väga mõnus vahelduseks värsket õhku hingata ja lumine Tartu ei näe üldse paha välja.
Teine intsident, mis minuga siin juhtus, täpsemalt üleeile, oli see, et keegi halb inimene otsustas endaga kaasa viia mu auto ilukilbid. Olin esialgu sõnatu, sest see on üks vastik tunne kui võetakse sinult midagi, mis on sinu oma. Tahaks olla vihane ja kuri ja kõike korraga selle inimese peale. Samas hakkad mõtlema, et no mis ma selle vastu oleks teha saanud, ega vist mitte midagi. Auto seisis avalikus parklas, kus ta on seisnud korduvalt ja sellist asja ei oska ette näha. Nii et ma siis otsustasin mitte vihastada vaid pigem leppida asjaoluga, et kellegil oli neid ilukilpe rohkem vaja kui mul. :D
Sellist leppimise tunnet on viimase aasta jooksul olnud mul palju, olen hakanud valima neid lahinguid mida pidada. Töö juures vanasti läksin väga kergesti närvi ja ärritusin asjade ja inimeste peale tihti. Nüüd olen aru saanud, et väga paljud nendest asjadest ei olene üldse minust, nii et milleks ennast üldse paanikasse viia. Leppimine endast mittesõltuvate asjade suhtes on väga tänuväärt olnud mu närvikavale ja kavatsen ka edaspidi jälgida, millele tasub oma energiat kulutada ja millele mitte. Soovitan teistelegi ;)
Okay, this is a decision I must explain a bit. I want to say that once again the last few days I've come to realize that there are things which are absolutely non-dependent of me and on top of which are just a waste of time getting angry of. And I have to be more acquiescent of choosing my battles, because you can`t win them all, plus all the fighting is bad for my health anyway. :D First example is the snow, which has invaded Estonia. I can`t say I was accepting from the beginning. I was so angry when it started snowing, all the roads were snowy, my car was literally skating on the streets, and there was no place to park the car because the snowbanks were huge. A couple of days I thought I`d call and miss work and not even get out bed. But on the third day I came to realize that the snow will not go away just because I want it to. So I went and bought myself new warm skipants and put my snowshovel in the car and it was accepted that the snow is part of the Estonian winter, and it would be better to enjoy it. :) Today I even decided to leave the car at home and walk to work and frankly it was a very nice change of pace, I could breathe fresh air and Tartu looks good when it`s snowy. Another incident that happened to me here, namely the day before yesterday, was that a bad person, decided to steal my cars wheel covers. I was speechless at first, because it is a nasty feeling when someone takes something that is yours. I wanted to be angry against this man who did it but at the same time began to think that there was nothing I could do to prevent this from happening. The car was standing in the public parking lot, where it has been parked many times before. So I couldn`t have known that night would be the night someone would steal from my car. So I decided not to be angry but rather aknowledge the fact that somebody needed the wheel covers more than I did. :D
I`ve felt the feeling of reconciliation a lot over the past year. I had a lot of incidents where I had to choose the battles to fight. All sorts of stupid things irritated me at work in the past. But now, I understand that many of these things do not depend on me at all, so why bring yourself panicking at all. I`m gonna keep up being more accepting the facts which are non-dependent of me and save my nerves a lot more I recommend it to everyone ;)
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