Eile õhtul mõtlesime, et võiks kokku saada ja lauamänge mängida. Ma olen alati tahtnud seda teha, aga ausalt öeldes ei ole selleni reaalselt väga tihti jõudnud. Kuna mina isiklikult olin eriti huvitatud scrabble'i mängimisest sest polnud seda varem mänginud, siis nii läkski. Saime kokku mina, Kosa, Peeter, Kadri, Martin ja Olivia. Varusime snäkke ja saime sünnipäevast järele jäänud šampust juua. Ja mängisime! Tegime 2 vooru..esimene kord kaotasin sest no tundub et eesti keel pole mu emakeel, no kohe mitte ei tahtnud need sõnad tulla pähe. :D Aga teinekord, olles võistkonnas Peetriga võtsime võidu. Muidugi pidime koguma ka natuke stiilipunkte ja laduma lauale näiteks sõna "v...t". Aga no see oli seda väärt sest võidu me saime :D Igaljuhul on kindlasti plaanis selliseid õhtuid veel teha sest mu lauamängude list mis vajab mängimist on veel pikk. :)
Last night we thought that we should get together with friends and have a game night.I`ve always wanted to have fun game nights with my friends but never really have gotten around to it. I wanted to play scrabble because I hadn't played it before. So we did!! A group of my friends got together, we had snacks and leftover drinks from my birthday party and it was on. The first round I lost because it seems estonian isn't my first language, the words were just impossible to put together. :D But the second round I was teamed up with Peeter and then we won. We also had to use some dirty words but it was all worth it in the end :p Anyway, I'm planning to have many more of these nights because my games list that I want to play is still pretty long. :)
Cute blog =)
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Loved your blog and started following it. keep up the good work ;)
DeleteNice post.I say yes to all positive things :)
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Thanks, I looked at your blog and really liked it, started following you as well ;) take care