Monday, December 24, 2012
I say YES to advent dinners!
A few years back we had an idea to celebrate advents together with a group of friends. 4 sunday dinners in 4 different homes. It was a great success then and this year we decided to celebrate the advents together again. A slightly different group but a whole lot more fun. So we got together every sunday and someone cooked dinner and we watched Estonian Idol. Good times! Last night was the last advent and it was funny thinking that we don't have to get together next sunday but we probably will because its become a tradition now :D
All and all I want to thank that group of friends for the lovely sunday dinners we had. They brought us closer together and I will miss them for sure. Luckily the new years eve is coming and then my birthday so I think the weekend fun is going to continue :D
Saturday, December 22, 2012
I say YES to the new world!
So apparently the new world started yesterday. And there was all this talk about the world ending and stuff. Well, safe to say all that didn`t happen but there were a lot of theories that kinda were true in the end. One of them was that on the 21th of December all the emotions would be amplified. It was totally true in my case and luckily all of my emotions were positive ones. I had an awesome day yesterday. Full of laughter and dance and friends. I couldn`t ask for a better start to this "new world".
I had a fantastic workshop with my work colleagues. I know I work out every day giving classes myself but it is so good to sometimes just participate in classes. Thank you Erle for the fantastic 3 workshops we had yesterday. Good stuff!
I also had a wonderful time that evening with my friends when we danced our asses off and had an awesome Christmas party.
So all and all, a lot of dancing went down on my first day of the new world. Which is fine by me. So bring on the new experiences and new people and new emotions and new world.
I thank my friends for the incredible day yesterday! Luv ya! :)
Monday, December 10, 2012
I say YES to Põhjaka Mõis!
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pic via |
There is this place here in Estonia called Põhjaka Mõis. It`s this old manor that has been turned into a restaurant. And it`s awesome. I have wanted to visit this place for a year and a half now or so but have never gotten the chance. Until my friend had her birthday and we decided to drive there and have the birthday dinner there. Best decision ever. The food there is made of local ingredients only and there is a new menu every day according to what produce they have that day. All of us ordered different things and all of us were extremely pleased. The food is delicious there! You have to call and book a table because the place is always full but I promise you it will all be worth it. Check out their website (it`s only in estonian though).
Definitely going to go there again, no doubt about it! :)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
I say YES to a burgundy red lipstick!
I have never really been afraid of the red lipstick but this new one is way more darker and way more hotter. It`s the Kate Moss collection for Rimmel lipstick. Put that on and your inner alter ego comes out. You know the naughtier one, with the brave sexy attitude who can conquer anything. I`m telling you ladies, there is something about that red lipstick. Give it a try and be ready for the adventures ahead :D
I say YES to sushi!
So obviously I´ve had sushi before but it had been a while since I`ve made it myself. This year we have had sushi nights twice already. It`s way cheaper plus it`s really fun and you get a whole small party out of it. I recommend it.
Also my friend Kadi is a sushi chef so twice this year she has brought us her own made sushi from Finland which is always delicious.
Plus I`ve eaten sushi many times from two different sushi restaurants in Tartu - Yakuza and my favourite Tokyo sushi bar
So it has been a real sushi festival this couple of months :D Love!
Monday, October 22, 2012
I say YES to Jessie Ware!
I found her like a month ago or so and just today a celeb blog reminded me of her. She is awesome and very talented. Not to mention she looks gorgeous. I haven`t yet checked out all of her music from her debut album "Devotion" but the songs I do know are amazing and I intend to listen to the whole album as soon as possible. I am glad her music came back to me. :)
Sunday, October 21, 2012
I say YES to my best friend!
Dear Risse,
I have known you for almost 10 years now and it has been the best 10 years of my life. We can laugh together and cry together. We can dance our asses off! We can talk about anything and listen to each others problems without judging. We follow our own dreams and support each other. The best part is that we can be goofy as hell and not even care. Our jokes are mostly to the left but that`s what I love about it :D We have been through hell together but managed to come away from it as better people. We make mistakes sometimes and go through bad times but we always learn from them and try to improve next time.
I love you and I hope the next 10 years will be just as fun and crazy and wonderful!
Happy Birthday, girl! One year closer to menopaus! :D :D
Monday, September 10, 2012
I say YES to a new car & a new apartment!
This is a big one.
1.This summer due to circumstances I said yes to a new car. A Honda Civic Comfort. A new car had been on my mind for a while now but I had to put it off because I thought I couldn`t afford it. Turns out I could and it was the best decision I ever made.
2. The other news is that I moved and changed my rent apartment. That decision was pretty much made for me because my renter "kicked me out" due to her relative moving to Tartu. So I had to find a new home. I can`t say I was particularly happy about it at first. I don`t care much for moving, it really is a drag. And I had an awesome deal at the last apartment location and money wise. But I had to pull myself together and as a miracle I managed to find my new place which is owned by my girlfriends parents. It is smaller and the rent is higher but it is located near to the city and it is quite beautiful. I haven`t been here for long yet but it is slowly starting to feel like home. :)
1.This summer due to circumstances I said yes to a new car. A Honda Civic Comfort. A new car had been on my mind for a while now but I had to put it off because I thought I couldn`t afford it. Turns out I could and it was the best decision I ever made.
Not my actual car. Mine is a different colour. ;) |
I say YES to cooking lunch with my friends!
Ok, so this blog post may sound random. I mean I have been to thousands of lunches with my friends but rarely do we get together and cook ourselves. So when these things do happen they make me happy and get me thinking we should do this more often. So this particular lunch was with my colleagues. Maigi was our lovely host and we decided to cook oven baked salmon and rice and a cheesecake. I must say I actually didn`t do much cooking myself. Maigi had already baked the cake and Risto was the main fisherman who deboned the fish and seasoned it and made it extra delicious with mayonnaise on top. We had a nice meal and a good time and we should really do this more often. So who wants to get together and cook lunch sometimes? ;)
Risto& Maigi- our great cooks :) |
I say YES to keeping alive summer memories!
In July I had a fun-filled day with my friends when we took a little road trip. You can read about it here. What I didn`t tell you is that my friend used a disposable camera this summer and took a whole lot of pictures. You can see some of the photos on her blog. So I decided to "steal" some of the photos and post them here to remember the fun day we had and keep the summer memories alive :)
Images by Risse |
I say YES to museums and science centers!
I love visiting museums. I rarely do it and that`s why it was that much more fun to visit some new places and some old ones this summer. So to start off me and my brother and my mom decided to go to the Toy museum because they had never been. And then my mom went for a trip to the UK for a week and me and my little brother and my dad decided that we must visit the Ahhaa science center (because my lil brother is obsessed with birds right now and he wanted to see the little chicks that grow in the incubator) and the newly opened Ice Age center. So we did!
1. Tartu Toy Museum
Our favourite part was the playroom where you could go and dress up in costumes.
2. Ahhaa Science Center
So this one was my favorite because it was really interesting and I learned a lot and my brother had the best time there.
3. Ice Age Center
So the Ice Age Center is really cool but there was a lot of information just written on the walls and since my brother is 5, he can`t keep still for too long for me to read the information to him so I have to visit that place one more time just to get the full effect. :D Didn`t take any pictures either :p
So I think visiting different museums and centers is really awesome and there are some more I want to visit so I`ll keep you posted if I do ;)
1. Tartu Toy Museum
Our favourite part was the playroom where you could go and dress up in costumes.
2. Ahhaa Science Center
So this one was my favorite because it was really interesting and I learned a lot and my brother had the best time there.
3. Ice Age Center
So the Ice Age Center is really cool but there was a lot of information just written on the walls and since my brother is 5, he can`t keep still for too long for me to read the information to him so I have to visit that place one more time just to get the full effect. :D Didn`t take any pictures either :p
So I think visiting different museums and centers is really awesome and there are some more I want to visit so I`ll keep you posted if I do ;)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
I say YES to wednesdays!
I love wednesdays! It`s as simple as that. This summer the wednesdays have been especially cool. In Tartu, where I live, it`s pretty common that people go out to small pub style places. But instead of sitting inside they take their drinks and stand in the outside of these pubs. There is a lot of these places in one street which means there is a lot of people hanging out. And if it`s one thing I love it is people watching. So the perfect combo is to go out on a wednesday night , have a cider and just chill out and get to know new people.
This wednesday was no exception but this one was special already from lunchtime. We decided to have a cooking party with my colleagues from work. So we had oven baked salmon and rice and Maigi even made a delicious cake for dessert. A perfect fun afternoon with friends and good food. But the day was far from over because after having dinner with my friend we went to the movies with a bunch of people. We watched "Horrible bosses", some of us had seen it already but it`s such a funny movie you can watch it many times. The video below is a really funny scene from the movie :D
After the movie some of us headed to the city to do the usual people watching and drinking. And oh this wednesday didn`t dissapoint. There were a lot of people there, some new faces, some old faces. Some ugly drunk people and some really cute guys. :D The fall has definitely begun because the city is filled with new students starting their studies at the University of Tartu. I even met my future husband there but he doesn`t know it yet :D All an all the perfect wednesday!
This wednesday was no exception but this one was special already from lunchtime. We decided to have a cooking party with my colleagues from work. So we had oven baked salmon and rice and Maigi even made a delicious cake for dessert. A perfect fun afternoon with friends and good food. But the day was far from over because after having dinner with my friend we went to the movies with a bunch of people. We watched "Horrible bosses", some of us had seen it already but it`s such a funny movie you can watch it many times. The video below is a really funny scene from the movie :D
After the movie some of us headed to the city to do the usual people watching and drinking. And oh this wednesday didn`t dissapoint. There were a lot of people there, some new faces, some old faces. Some ugly drunk people and some really cute guys. :D The fall has definitely begun because the city is filled with new students starting their studies at the University of Tartu. I even met my future husband there but he doesn`t know it yet :D All an all the perfect wednesday!
Friday, August 17, 2012
I say YES to keeping family traditions alive!
We have a small family tradition. Every summer we make an effort to visit a trout fishing place near our home. It belongs to a friend of ours and the place is gorgeous. You really have to visit yourself to know what I`m talking about but if you can`t then at least go and check out their website . The food is really good and the athmosphere is always relaxing and fun. So when you get a chance there is still some summer left, go and enjoy a great time with your friends or family. :)
Monday, July 16, 2012
I say YES to fun weekends in Pärnu!
Suvi on täies hoos! Kuigi jah, kui praegu siin kampsun seljas ja teetass käes istudes aknast välja vaadata, siis tunne on sügisene. :D Igatahes nädalavahetusel oli suvi ja suvepealinn Pärnu teemas! Sihtmärgiks oli eelkõige sõpradega mõnusalt aega veeta, nalja teha ja pidutseda. Simple as that! Ja pidu sai ja oi, kuidas veel sai.
Ürituseks oli Beach Grind @ Club Sunset koos Netsky ja Camo&Crooked`iga. Kes selliseid nimesid ei tea, siis nüüd tuleb youtube abiks võtta. ;) Igatahes korralik dnb küttepidu, kus ligi 3200 inimest panid täiega hullu. Seda kõike on päris raske sõnadesse panna ja sellepärast ma pigem ei üritagi, sest sõnadest jääb väheks. Leidsin youtube`st mingi sellise video, mis vähesel määral annab aimu, mis toimus.
Kuigi ilmateade väga ei hellitanud lootusi, et Pärnus olles randa ka saab, siis vaatamata tugevale külmale tuulele, õnnestus meil järgmisel päeval mingi poolteist tundi ikka rannatoolide taga tuulevarjus päikest võtta.
Kohustulik ring sai ka Steffanis tehtud ja samuti tegime tiiru veinifestivalil, mis oli rannahotelli kõrvale püsti pandud. Sellest inspireerituna otsustasimegi tol õhtul teha veiniõhtu, mis lõppes jällegi kord sellega, et kõik tulid linna pealt erinevatel aegadel koju ja magama saadi kell 6.30 kui sedagi. Good times!
Laupäev andis küll hommikul suuri lootusi, et saab veel enne ärasõitu randa, aga minut peale söömise lõpetamist lahedas Supelsakste kohvikus, sadas maha selline padukas, et lootused purunesid. Läksime rõõmsalt lahku ja sõitsime kõik erinevates suundades kes koju, kes sõprade juurde, kes Tallinnasse. :)
Tänud Aira, Kosa, Paurik, Marten, Laur, Oliver & Andreas!
The summer is here. Well actually I am sitting here in my sweater with a cup of tea right now, since the weather is damn cold, but we spent the weekend in the capital of summer- Pärnu! We went there to party and have a good old time. And that we did.
The main event of the weekend was a drum`n bass event called Beach Grind, where the performers included Netsky and Camo&Crooked. About 3200 people attended the event and it was full on madness. In a good way of course. Everybody went crazy and words won`t do this event justice so I`ve located a little video in youtube. It doesn`t really do it justice either but you slightly get the idea.
Even though the weather forecast was not optimistic we still managed to snuck in a little sunbathing at the beach. Pärnu`s beach is the most popular in Estonia but that day it was pretty much empty since there was a chilly wind outside. We didn`t care because we don`t get to go there as often anymore so we had to take advantage. There is also a legendary Italian restaurant called Steffani in Pärnu. The place is always a must since the pizza there is delicious. We also attended a small wine festival and decided that we`ll have a wine evening that night. It pretty much ended up like the last evening when everyone got home at like 6.30 in the morning. But it was so worth it.
The last day gave hope at first that we can go to the beach again. But when we finished lunch it was pouring rain outside and everyone decided to end the fun weekend there and go their seperate ways. All an all a perfect Pärnu weekend. ;)
Friday, July 6, 2012
I say YES to spontaneus fun-filled days with my friends!
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via Pinterest |
Me sõitsime linnast välja. Tegime peatuse, et teha pilti keset rapsipõldu. Need on nii võrratult kollased praegu.
Me sõitsime Kiidjärve juurde ujuma. Vette hüpates oli vesi eriliselt külm. Mingi aja möödudes läks aga järjest soojemaks ja lõpuks oli väga mõnus. Väljas sadas õrnalt vihma.
Me läksime Risse suvilasse, kus me korjasime ja sõime metsmaasikaid. Mõnusalt magusaid.
Me peatusime tagasiteel tee ääres, et teha heinapallidega pilti. See on olnud Risse suur unistus juba pikka aega.
Me naersime terve päev ja eriti palju ja eriti kõvasti.
Me teeme seda varsti jälle! ;)
We started our day by going to breakfast together. We had omlettes and latte's and fun girl talk.
We drove out of the city. We stopped the car to take pictures in the middle of a rapeseedfield. They are gloriously yellow this time of year.
We went to a lake called Kiidjärve. It was lightly drizzling rain. There was noone else there but the 4 of us. We jumped in and it was shocking cold at first but then it started to warm up and the water was amazing.
We went to pick some wild strawberries at my friends summer house. They tasted delicious.
We stopped by the side of the road to take photos with the hay rolls. It had been my friends long last dream to do that. So we did.
We laughed a whole lot!
We are going to have days like these again! :)
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I say YES to random blog posts! vol 1
1. I bought the new Justin Bieber album. No shame! I like his music and that`s that. Deal with it! :D
2. I bought Michael Kiwanukas album. Feel good music at its best.
3. I learned you shouldn`t go to iTunes when you`re drunk. :D
4. I went swimming for the first time this summer. The water was awesome.
5. I spent a great weekend with my colleagues finishing our season. I went to Kekkose sauna with one group and to a fish farming place with the others. I love spending time with my colleagues.
6. I babysat my brother and put him to bed all by myself. If you know my brother then you understand that it was an accomplishment.
7. I`ve eaten a lot of strawberries, sweet cherries, nectarines and watermelon. Goosh I love summertime!
8. I`ve walked barefoot a lot. Yet again, the many perks of summer ;)
9. I`ve made some plans for the summer. Some festivals and concerts and stuff here and there. But mostly I will enjoy the free time that I have
10. I bought a new car. A separate blog post about it coming soon ;)
2. I bought Michael Kiwanukas album. Feel good music at its best.
3. I learned you shouldn`t go to iTunes when you`re drunk. :D
4. I went swimming for the first time this summer. The water was awesome.
5. I spent a great weekend with my colleagues finishing our season. I went to Kekkose sauna with one group and to a fish farming place with the others. I love spending time with my colleagues.
6. I babysat my brother and put him to bed all by myself. If you know my brother then you understand that it was an accomplishment.
7. I`ve eaten a lot of strawberries, sweet cherries, nectarines and watermelon. Goosh I love summertime!
8. I`ve walked barefoot a lot. Yet again, the many perks of summer ;)
9. I`ve made some plans for the summer. Some festivals and concerts and stuff here and there. But mostly I will enjoy the free time that I have
10. I bought a new car. A separate blog post about it coming soon ;)
Sunday, May 20, 2012
I say YES to going to concerts with my friends!
Ei tahaks seda blogipostitust alustada sõnadega, et mul on olnud liiga kiire, et kirjutada siia, aga kahjuks ma pean seda tegema. Nii et nüüd, kui sellega on ühel pool saan teile kirjeldada klassikalist juhtumit sellest, kuidas ma ütlesin ei asemel jah.
Kui sa oled eestlane, siis sa arvatavasti tead bändi nimega Ewert & The Two Dragons. Kui ei tea, siis on viimane aeg ennast kurssi viia. Mina tean Ewertit juba "Kahe takti" saate ajast ja kui ma ütlen tean, siis ma mõtlen, et olen tema loominguga tuttav, aga kahjuks isiklikult teda ei tunne. Selle bändi loominguga sain tuttavaks tänu Raadio 2´le , kes mängisid nende "Sailor man" lugu (mis on siiamaani mu lemmik) raadios 2 aastat tagasi, kui tuli välja nende plaat. Armastus esimesest kuuldud noodist. Kuulasin nende plaadi lugusid internetis ja Eesti muusika iTunes`i jõudis ostsin ka nende plaadi lõpuks terviklikul kujul. :D Teadagi on nad Euroopa peal endale nime tegemas ja tuuritavad pidevalt erinevates linnades, aga üks linn kuhu nad polnud juba 2 aastat jõudnud oli Tartu. Õnneks parandati see viga paar nädalat tagasi. Ostsime piletid järgmisel päeval peale nende facebooki teadet, et nad on tulemas ja meist järgmisel päeval oli juba kontsert väljamüüdud. Nii et meil vedas täiega, et saime kohad. Siit aga loo mõte: "vana" mina oleks mõelnud palju pikemalt enne kui oleksin nõus olnud kontserdile minekuga (mis oleks arvavasti mulle ka pileti maksma läinud, kuna see oli kuum kaup). Ma pidin ära jätma ühe oma trennidest, et sinna minna, mis vanasti oli nagu miskipärast probleemiks vahepeal, sest mulle tundus, et mul on kohustused teha iga trenn ise ja ei saa niimoodi ära jätta trenne. Ma ei ütle, et ma nüüdsest kergekäeliselt oma trenne ära annan, et kultuuri nautida, seda kindlasti mitte, aga olen aru saanud, et mingid valikud ei mõjuta minu töö tulemusi või usutavust treenerina. Vahepeal ikkagi ongi vaja jah öelda nendele asjadele, et mitte päris hulluks minna. "Uus" mina isegi ei mõelnud paar sekundit kas minna või mitte, selles polnud nagu küsimustki. :)
Kontsert ise oli suurepärane, nagu oli ka oodata. Kahjuks mind natuke häiris, et see korraldati Vanemuise kontserdimajas, aga arusaadavatel põhjustel muidugi mõistan ka seda, sest sinna mahub kõige rohkem rahvast. Mulle muidugi meeldiks kunagi neid näha ka live`s kuskil festivalil või Rock Cafe tüüpi kohas, kus on natuke rohkem chillout ja mõnusam õhustik. Loodetavasti on selleks võimalused tänavusel Positivus Festivalil. ;) Igatahes kokkuvõttes oli kontsert super ja rõdupealne rahvas võttis asja vabamalt ja seisis püsti ja oli väga kihvt õhtu.
Kuulake ka postituse all olevat akustilist versiooni "Sailor manist" ja toetage Eesti muusikuid kontserditel käimisega. :) (naljakas slogan siia lõppu, aga las ta jääb... :D)
I don`t want to start with a lame excuse how I was too busy to write the blog but I`m afraid I have to. So now that`s out of the way I can describe you a perfect case of saying yes instead of no.
There is a band in Estonia called Ewert & The Two Dragons. They are huge in Estonia and getting more huge around the world which is really exciting for the Estonian music scene. So they have existed for a while now and have had concerts everywhere and I have their album which I love so I have wanted to see them perform live for a long time now. And finally they decided that right before they go on tour in Europe they are gonna give one concert in my home town Tartu. This was great news for me and one of my friends who is also a big fan of them. We bought the tickets pretty much the same day they announced the concert and the next day after that it was sold out so we were extremely lucky. But the classic case here was that I had to give up a class to go to the concert. The old me would have thought about it much longer (which would have cost me the ticket by then for sure) weather I should ditch my class to go have fun (sounds ridiculous right?!) and weather I should go or not. The new me said YES without a hint of hesitation. And once again I found out that nobody is gonna hate me for taking an evening off to go see my favourite estonian band play live. And one of my clients was actually sitting pretty much next to me at the concert and was happy I cancelled the training. :D
The concert itself was amazing. The venue wasn`t really the perfect one in my case because it was a formal concert hall and people were nicely sitting down. It should have been outside at a festival, holding a cold drink and dancing to the songs. All n` all it didn`t ruin the concert whatsoever and we enjoyed it so much.
To all the foreign followers, go check out Ewert & The Two Dragons on iTunes and support Estonian music at its best :)
Kui sa oled eestlane, siis sa arvatavasti tead bändi nimega Ewert & The Two Dragons. Kui ei tea, siis on viimane aeg ennast kurssi viia. Mina tean Ewertit juba "Kahe takti" saate ajast ja kui ma ütlen tean, siis ma mõtlen, et olen tema loominguga tuttav, aga kahjuks isiklikult teda ei tunne. Selle bändi loominguga sain tuttavaks tänu Raadio 2´le , kes mängisid nende "Sailor man" lugu (mis on siiamaani mu lemmik) raadios 2 aastat tagasi, kui tuli välja nende plaat. Armastus esimesest kuuldud noodist. Kuulasin nende plaadi lugusid internetis ja Eesti muusika iTunes`i jõudis ostsin ka nende plaadi lõpuks terviklikul kujul. :D Teadagi on nad Euroopa peal endale nime tegemas ja tuuritavad pidevalt erinevates linnades, aga üks linn kuhu nad polnud juba 2 aastat jõudnud oli Tartu. Õnneks parandati see viga paar nädalat tagasi. Ostsime piletid järgmisel päeval peale nende facebooki teadet, et nad on tulemas ja meist järgmisel päeval oli juba kontsert väljamüüdud. Nii et meil vedas täiega, et saime kohad. Siit aga loo mõte: "vana" mina oleks mõelnud palju pikemalt enne kui oleksin nõus olnud kontserdile minekuga (mis oleks arvavasti mulle ka pileti maksma läinud, kuna see oli kuum kaup). Ma pidin ära jätma ühe oma trennidest, et sinna minna, mis vanasti oli nagu miskipärast probleemiks vahepeal, sest mulle tundus, et mul on kohustused teha iga trenn ise ja ei saa niimoodi ära jätta trenne. Ma ei ütle, et ma nüüdsest kergekäeliselt oma trenne ära annan, et kultuuri nautida, seda kindlasti mitte, aga olen aru saanud, et mingid valikud ei mõjuta minu töö tulemusi või usutavust treenerina. Vahepeal ikkagi ongi vaja jah öelda nendele asjadele, et mitte päris hulluks minna. "Uus" mina isegi ei mõelnud paar sekundit kas minna või mitte, selles polnud nagu küsimustki. :)
Kontsert ise oli suurepärane, nagu oli ka oodata. Kahjuks mind natuke häiris, et see korraldati Vanemuise kontserdimajas, aga arusaadavatel põhjustel muidugi mõistan ka seda, sest sinna mahub kõige rohkem rahvast. Mulle muidugi meeldiks kunagi neid näha ka live`s kuskil festivalil või Rock Cafe tüüpi kohas, kus on natuke rohkem chillout ja mõnusam õhustik. Loodetavasti on selleks võimalused tänavusel Positivus Festivalil. ;) Igatahes kokkuvõttes oli kontsert super ja rõdupealne rahvas võttis asja vabamalt ja seisis püsti ja oli väga kihvt õhtu.
Kuulake ka postituse all olevat akustilist versiooni "Sailor manist" ja toetage Eesti muusikuid kontserditel käimisega. :) (naljakas slogan siia lõppu, aga las ta jääb... :D)
I don`t want to start with a lame excuse how I was too busy to write the blog but I`m afraid I have to. So now that`s out of the way I can describe you a perfect case of saying yes instead of no.
There is a band in Estonia called Ewert & The Two Dragons. They are huge in Estonia and getting more huge around the world which is really exciting for the Estonian music scene. So they have existed for a while now and have had concerts everywhere and I have their album which I love so I have wanted to see them perform live for a long time now. And finally they decided that right before they go on tour in Europe they are gonna give one concert in my home town Tartu. This was great news for me and one of my friends who is also a big fan of them. We bought the tickets pretty much the same day they announced the concert and the next day after that it was sold out so we were extremely lucky. But the classic case here was that I had to give up a class to go to the concert. The old me would have thought about it much longer (which would have cost me the ticket by then for sure) weather I should ditch my class to go have fun (sounds ridiculous right?!) and weather I should go or not. The new me said YES without a hint of hesitation. And once again I found out that nobody is gonna hate me for taking an evening off to go see my favourite estonian band play live. And one of my clients was actually sitting pretty much next to me at the concert and was happy I cancelled the training. :D
The concert itself was amazing. The venue wasn`t really the perfect one in my case because it was a formal concert hall and people were nicely sitting down. It should have been outside at a festival, holding a cold drink and dancing to the songs. All n` all it didn`t ruin the concert whatsoever and we enjoyed it so much.
To all the foreign followers, go check out Ewert & The Two Dragons on iTunes and support Estonian music at its best :)
Monday, April 23, 2012
I say YES to Nordic Walking!
I say YES to Bon Iver!
I`ve discovered a new band for myself. I normally don`t have too much time to search for new bands but I`ve had some great discoveries over the last 6 months so I have decided to make more of an effort in finding new music. I came across Bon Iver last week. I know they have existed for a long time but as I said I discover the bands rather randomly. I saw a video of them performing at the Coachella weekend and I was hooked immediately. Their music is alternative and kinda melancholic but at the same time hopeful. My moods have been really up and down lately because I am experiencing some kind of a life crisis (which I will talk about at an upcoming post maybe) and their music really suits my life right now. :p I also recently discovered that they will be performing in Helsinki @ the Flow festival which is really close to me. And since it`s the year of the YES I think I should really make an effort to attend.
I say YES to Bon Iver!
I say YES to Bon Iver!
I say YES to Simple Session!
Okay, so first this post is really late but I don`t care because it`s an important one. Namely it`s about an important event in my life which is called Simple Session. Everyone who knows me well knows I have been to that event for 11 years now. First just as an onlooker and the as a volunteer who worked there for 7 years. I have made some great friends and met some incredible people. I pretty much remember all the stuff that happened during the whole year with the help of this event. Okay and I mostly remember the different years thanks to the different guys I`ve met there. :D Oh well...ce la vie.
Anyway this year was no exception. We haven`t worked there for the second year in a row now because I think we`ve kinda grown out of it sort of but we still go there to support our friends and cheer on the riders. And of course take a chance to enjoy some partying as well because the party scene during Simple Session is worth mentioning. So during the years we have seen a lot of crazy shit go down on that course and every year we wonder if this will go any wilder and every year it does!
I really loved being a part of the crew that organized the event and help run it. My job was to greet all the riders and press and VIP guests so I got to meet a whole lot of amazing people and have so much fun. If I would live in Tallinn I would definitely wanna be part of the crew and help organize the event more but I don`t live there so it`s a little bit harder. But who knows maybe life has plans for me and some day I will end up working there again.
This year we just went and enjoyed the event. We got to see all the riding, all of our old friends and have a bloody good time :D And every year we kinda mention we might not return because the "normal" life has gotten much more real over the years, it`s harder to get off from work and plus we seem kinda old for it too seeing all the 15-18 year old girls running around that event. :D But I think as long as they keep having Simple Session we will go there no matter what because it has been such a big part of our lives for such a long time and it would be weird to miss it... :p
So everyone who is interested in extreme sports and the Simple Session brand, go to their facebook page They update it often and have some cool videos and stuff on there. ;)
Check out the skateboarding finals highlights here and check out the video below to see BMX finals highlights.
Anyway this year was no exception. We haven`t worked there for the second year in a row now because I think we`ve kinda grown out of it sort of but we still go there to support our friends and cheer on the riders. And of course take a chance to enjoy some partying as well because the party scene during Simple Session is worth mentioning. So during the years we have seen a lot of crazy shit go down on that course and every year we wonder if this will go any wilder and every year it does!
I really loved being a part of the crew that organized the event and help run it. My job was to greet all the riders and press and VIP guests so I got to meet a whole lot of amazing people and have so much fun. If I would live in Tallinn I would definitely wanna be part of the crew and help organize the event more but I don`t live there so it`s a little bit harder. But who knows maybe life has plans for me and some day I will end up working there again.
This year we just went and enjoyed the event. We got to see all the riding, all of our old friends and have a bloody good time :D And every year we kinda mention we might not return because the "normal" life has gotten much more real over the years, it`s harder to get off from work and plus we seem kinda old for it too seeing all the 15-18 year old girls running around that event. :D But I think as long as they keep having Simple Session we will go there no matter what because it has been such a big part of our lives for such a long time and it would be weird to miss it... :p
So everyone who is interested in extreme sports and the Simple Session brand, go to their facebook page They update it often and have some cool videos and stuff on there. ;)
Check out the skateboarding finals highlights here and check out the video below to see BMX finals highlights.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I say YES to organizing events!
Kes teist veel ei tea, siis ma olen ametilt aeroobika- ja tantsutreener. Ja Tartu klubis Planetsport korraldame Les Millsi päevi, kus esitleme uusi kavasid, mis tulevad iga kolme kuu tagant. Sellel korral otsustasin võtta korralduse enda peale ja sellest väikesest esitluspäevast teha ikka konkreetselt ürituse. Kes mind juba tunneb kooliajast, siis ma olin suur korraldaja juba keskkoolis. Olin seotud enamuse kooli pidude korraldustiimist ja olin enamusel neist ka õhtujuht nii et tegelikult polnud siin nüüd otseselt midagi uut mu jaoks, aga no kaua polnud juba midagi sellist ette võtnud. Teemaks võtsin kevadvärvid, et oleks tundides dresscode ja inimestel natuke huvitavam. Joonistasin plakatid (jajah, täitsa ise joonistasin :D) ja organiseerisin snäkilaua trennijärgseks turgutuseks. Samuti kutsusin kohale fotograaf Laur`i, kes kogu üritust kenasti kajastas nii et siinkohal siis väike pildiülevaade sellest üritusest ;)
Rohkem pilte üritusest leiate aadressilt
To those who don`t know I`m an aerobics and dance instructor. And in one of our clubs we have Les Mills presentation days every 3 months when new routines come out. So this time I took the responsibility of organizing the whole event myself. I drew the posters myself and had a snack table for a little boost after the classes. And I asked my photographer friend Laur to capture the whole event. I also had a theme- spring colours! So each class had a dresscode. This whole organizing events thing is not new to me, in highschool I was involved in organizing most of the parties and events so I have loved it for a while now.And because the photographer did such an amazing job, the pictures will tell the story better.
For more photos go to

Rohkem pilte üritusest leiate aadressilt
To those who don`t know I`m an aerobics and dance instructor. And in one of our clubs we have Les Mills presentation days every 3 months when new routines come out. So this time I took the responsibility of organizing the whole event myself. I drew the posters myself and had a snack table for a little boost after the classes. And I asked my photographer friend Laur to capture the whole event. I also had a theme- spring colours! So each class had a dresscode. This whole organizing events thing is not new to me, in highschool I was involved in organizing most of the parties and events so I have loved it for a while now.And because the photographer did such an amazing job, the pictures will tell the story better.
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My fabulous posters |

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Sunny YELLOW BodyAttack |
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BLUE as the sky- BodyCombat |
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WHITE snowdrops at BodyBalance |
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BLACK spring bugs - BodyPump |
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RED spring flowers- RPM |
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GREEN as grass- BodyJam |
Thursday, March 22, 2012
I say YES to Saaremaa!
Kui ma siin selle blogiga võtsin ette seikluse, et saaks proovida ja kogeda võimalikult palju uusi kogemusi, siis sellel nädalavahetusel sai see kindlasti teostatud ja esmakordseid sündmusi oli mitu. Ma olen käinud Saaremaal oma elu jooksul täpselt ühe korra. Võistlustantsuvõistlustel, kui sõitsin sadamast kuskile kultuurimajja, veetsin terve päeva seal ja õhtul pimedas sõitsin tagasi praami peale. Nii et teoreetiliselt ma ikkagi polnud varem Saaremaal käinud. See kõik muutus eelmine nädalavahetus, kui võtsime ette töö ja väikese puhkusereisi Kuressaarde.
Kes veel ei tea, siis Planetsport spordiklubil ( on oma filiaal ka Kuressaare spordihoones. Sellel nädalavahetusel sõitsime mina, Reene ja Raido saare peale treeneritele sisekoolitust läbi viima. Saarele jõudes oli kohe esimene turistikas Kaali Kraatri külastus. Rist kirjas- nähtud! Kuressaarde kohale jõudes tegime kiire linnatiiru autoga, nägin linnust ja värki ja siis saime kohe teha 2 mõnusat trenni saare naistele. Peale seda tegelesime koolitusega koos Kuressaare treeneritega, kellele andsime uusi suundi ja ideesid, kuidas nad oma tunde saaks efektiivsemalt ja loogilisemalt üles ehitada ja õpetada. Õhtuks olid juba kõhud sissepoole kaardu, sest viimane söök sai söödud hommikul Tartus ja meie selle nädalavahetuse hostid Erki ja Pille viisid meid mõnusale õhtusöögile, kus me ei hoidnud väga tagasi. Õhtul tegime veel sauna ja Kuressaare nädalavahetus oli juba suurepäraselt alanud.
Kaali kraater |
Järgmine päev saime saare naistele ühe korraliku Bodyjami kütta ja jätkus meie sisekoolitus, kus hindasime koduseid ülesandeid ja jagasime veel ideesid omavahel. Kokkuvõttes oli koolituse osa super ja sain enda kohta ka palju teada, sest selline koolituse läbiviimine oli minu jaoks võrdlemisi uus kogemus ja mulle väga meeldis. Kuna juba mu töö nõuab minult õpetamist, siis selline inimestega suhtlemine mulle sobib ja loodetavasti tekib selliseid võimalusi veel. :)
Laupäevane plaan nägi meil veel ette spa külastust. Seltskond, mina,Reene, Pille, Erki ja Raido, suundusime enne õhtust programmi Grand Rose Spa-sse( pingeid maandama ja natuke lõõgastuma. Super mõnus koht. Võin siinkohal ka jällegi nö risti kirja panna oma JAH tegudele, sest ka sellises korralikus spaas (Aura keskuse võib vist julgelt välja arvata spa nimistust) polnud minu oma elus varem käinud ja kindlasti peab sinna veel minema. Igatahes saunatasime ja ligunesime basseinides. Peale grand rose`i võtsime suuna Erki ja Pille juurde, et alustada pre-partyga, mis tipnes siis Club Divasse minekuga. Naljakas seik, mis juhtus klubis on see, et tutvusin ühe (välismaa) kutiga, kelle nimi oli Klaus. Nüüd on umbes 10 inimest kes saavad sellest naljast aru, aga lühidalt kõigile, siis tutvusin novembris samamoodi ühe kutiga kelle nimi oli Klaus. Ei ole just kõige tüüpilisem nimi ja 6 kuu jooksul juba kaks tutvust selle nimega, I wonder what that means. :D Igatahes klubist hotelli jõudsime kell 4 paiku ja oligi peaaegu nädalavahetus lõppenud.
Pühapäeva hommikul ärkasin üles ja avastasin, et mu ilusti külmkappi valmis pandud hommikune mullivesi oli täiesti ära jäätunud ja sealt vett kätte saada oli väike ettevõtmine. Seejärel sõime hotellis hommikusöögi. Ma ei tea mis sellega on, aga mulle kohutavalt meeldivad hotelli hommikusöögid, isegi kui need pole mingid uhked ja fäänsid söömaajad, siis midagi selles, et sulle on kõik ette välja pandud ja ära lõigatud ja valmis keedetud jne teeb söögi kohe palju maitsvamaks. Ja oligi aeg võtta suund tagasi mandrile.
jäätunud pohmakavesi |
Kokkuvõttes tahaks tänada Reenet, kes tuli üldse ideele, et selline koolitus korraldada. ;) Tahaks tänada Raidot ja Elvist, kes meile selle tööka nädalavahetuse võimaldasid. Erkit ja Pillet, kellega tutvusime ja kes olid super hostid meile ja vastasid meie rumalatele küsimustele alati asjalikult. Ja see teie Ö ei seganud mind üldse, ausõna. :D :D Ja samuti ka Planetsport Kuressaare töökat crewd, kes meiega vastu pidasid 2 koolitusepäeva. Aitäh ja me teeme seda veel!
Suurepärane Kuressaare nädalavahetuse seltskond. |
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I say YES to Cougar Town!
Ok, so this is not going to be a substantially life changing post for you. Or maybe it is?! But I just have to share my love for this show with all of you. I fell in love with it after the first episode and as of then it has been my most favourite show (of all time maybe). So if you haven`t seen it yet, you have to watch it. But if you are more of a serious person who enjoys drama series then it`s probably not your cup of tea. :p It totally is mine because I love fun stuff and this show is super fun. Estonians can check it out every day monday-friday at 23.35 on fox life.
Friday, March 2, 2012
I say YES to snowboarding!
Hei hei,
vabandust, et pole nüüd kaua postitanud, aga see jah ütlemine on võtnud kogu mu aja. Heas mõttes. Seekord siis tahaks rääkida sellest, kuidas me pidasime Eesti vabariigi sünnipäeva Lätis lumelauatamas. Nimelt on PlanetSport Pärnu crewl juba teist aastat traditsioon käia oma klientidega 24.veebruaril Lätis mäe peal. Vaba päev ju nagunii ja milleks istuda kodus ja vahtida pingviinide paraadi ja süüa, kui saaks ka päeva sportlikumalt veeta. Sellel aastal otsustas ka Tartu crew nendega liituda ja 24.veebruar võtsime suuna Lätti Zagarkalns`i mäekompleksi ( Koht iseenesest on väga lahe, mulle meeldis palju rohkem kui kuutsekas. Vaatamata sellele, et väljas vist oli isegi väike + kraad olid mäed lund täis ja sõita sai suurepäraselt. Ma nüüd teab mis lumelaudur pole, aga paar korda on ikka laud alla saadud ja see tuli kasuks, sain oma kaaslauduritele(Kaisa, Maigi &Reili) väikseid näpunäiteid anda , kuidas kõige lihtsam oleks alustada. Ja nii me siis veetsimegi ligi 5 tundi erinevate nõlvade peal ja vaatamata sellele, et mulle kohe üldse see tõstukite süsteem mägedel ei meeldi, saime hakkama ja nautisime. Järgmine hooaeg peaks rohkem laua alla panema, äkki õpiks paar nippi juurde ja saaks rohkem harjutada. Tagasiteel bussis lükkasime käima päris vinge afterski ja tähistasime Eesti sünnipäeva. Valgaks oli bussi peale ära joodud 16 pudelit rummi, pidi tegema peatuse ja selverist lisa ostma, et ika Tartuni välja veaks. Mina rummi ei joo, nii et sain mõnusalt pealt vaadata , kuidas teised hullu panid.
Järgmisel hommikul üles ärgates ei saanud kumbagi kätt sirutada, selg oli haige ja jalgade peal olid sellised sinikad nendest tõstukitest, et oleks nagu lätakatega kaklemas käinud eelmine päev. Näitab seda, et sa võid ju omal alal kõva sportlane olla,aga kui oma mugavustsoonist välja astuda oled ikka samasugune luuser nagu ülejäänud. :D Igaljuhul ei saanud põdeda ja läksin andsin 2 trenni ja lisaks nendele käisin veel paar tundi perega Aura veekeskuses. Ei saa mainimata jätta, et seekord oli mu lemmikuks niisama vees vedelemine ja otseselt spordi tegemiseks ja ujumiseks nagu väga ei läinudki. :D
Igaljuhul väga sportlik nädalavahetus ja emotsioonid laes.
Sorry for not posting a long time but I`ve been busy saying yes a lot. This time I want to talk about how we celebrated our countries birthday by going snowboarding in another country. Namely, Planet Sport Pärnu crew has had a tradition for 2 years now to go on the hill in Latvia during February 24th. Free day anyway and why sit at home and stare the Penguin Parade and eat, if you could spend a day excercising. This year our Tartu crew decided to join them and on the 24th of february we went to Latvia `s Zagarkalns skiing resort ( The place itself is very cool, I liked it a lot more than our little slopes here in Kuutsemäe. Despite the fact that I think it was +1 degrees outside, the hills were full of snow and riding was great. I am not like a huge snowboarder but I`ve done it a couple of times before and so I could teach my fellow first time snowboarders how to stay up and get started. So we spent nearly 5 hours on different slopes. The one thing I hate about it are the ski lifts but I managed not to fall on them too many times which was a success. Next season I want to practice more often so I could maybe learn a few more tricks. We had an awesome afterski on the bus on the way back. Celebrated our nations birthday and drank a lot of rum.
The next day I woke up and couldn`t straighten both of my arms, my back was hurting and I had bruises all over my legs. Comes to show you that you can be an athlete at your own sports but when you are out of your comfortzone you are just a regular person. :D In any case I went and gave two classes and in addition to those I went to the Aura swimming center for a couple of hours with my family. I`m not gonna lie, this time my favorite thing was just lying around in the water and not very much swimming went down that day.
In any case, a very sporty weekend and my emotsions are running high.
vabandust, et pole nüüd kaua postitanud, aga see jah ütlemine on võtnud kogu mu aja. Heas mõttes. Seekord siis tahaks rääkida sellest, kuidas me pidasime Eesti vabariigi sünnipäeva Lätis lumelauatamas. Nimelt on PlanetSport Pärnu crewl juba teist aastat traditsioon käia oma klientidega 24.veebruaril Lätis mäe peal. Vaba päev ju nagunii ja milleks istuda kodus ja vahtida pingviinide paraadi ja süüa, kui saaks ka päeva sportlikumalt veeta. Sellel aastal otsustas ka Tartu crew nendega liituda ja 24.veebruar võtsime suuna Lätti Zagarkalns`i mäekompleksi ( Koht iseenesest on väga lahe, mulle meeldis palju rohkem kui kuutsekas. Vaatamata sellele, et väljas vist oli isegi väike + kraad olid mäed lund täis ja sõita sai suurepäraselt. Ma nüüd teab mis lumelaudur pole, aga paar korda on ikka laud alla saadud ja see tuli kasuks, sain oma kaaslauduritele(Kaisa, Maigi &Reili) väikseid näpunäiteid anda , kuidas kõige lihtsam oleks alustada. Ja nii me siis veetsimegi ligi 5 tundi erinevate nõlvade peal ja vaatamata sellele, et mulle kohe üldse see tõstukite süsteem mägedel ei meeldi, saime hakkama ja nautisime. Järgmine hooaeg peaks rohkem laua alla panema, äkki õpiks paar nippi juurde ja saaks rohkem harjutada. Tagasiteel bussis lükkasime käima päris vinge afterski ja tähistasime Eesti sünnipäeva. Valgaks oli bussi peale ära joodud 16 pudelit rummi, pidi tegema peatuse ja selverist lisa ostma, et ika Tartuni välja veaks. Mina rummi ei joo, nii et sain mõnusalt pealt vaadata , kuidas teised hullu panid.
Järgmisel hommikul üles ärgates ei saanud kumbagi kätt sirutada, selg oli haige ja jalgade peal olid sellised sinikad nendest tõstukitest, et oleks nagu lätakatega kaklemas käinud eelmine päev. Näitab seda, et sa võid ju omal alal kõva sportlane olla,aga kui oma mugavustsoonist välja astuda oled ikka samasugune luuser nagu ülejäänud. :D Igaljuhul ei saanud põdeda ja läksin andsin 2 trenni ja lisaks nendele käisin veel paar tundi perega Aura veekeskuses. Ei saa mainimata jätta, et seekord oli mu lemmikuks niisama vees vedelemine ja otseselt spordi tegemiseks ja ujumiseks nagu väga ei läinudki. :D
Igaljuhul väga sportlik nädalavahetus ja emotsioonid laes.
Sorry for not posting a long time but I`ve been busy saying yes a lot. This time I want to talk about how we celebrated our countries birthday by going snowboarding in another country. Namely, Planet Sport Pärnu crew has had a tradition for 2 years now to go on the hill in Latvia during February 24th. Free day anyway and why sit at home and stare the Penguin Parade and eat, if you could spend a day excercising. This year our Tartu crew decided to join them and on the 24th of february we went to Latvia `s Zagarkalns skiing resort ( The place itself is very cool, I liked it a lot more than our little slopes here in Kuutsemäe. Despite the fact that I think it was +1 degrees outside, the hills were full of snow and riding was great. I am not like a huge snowboarder but I`ve done it a couple of times before and so I could teach my fellow first time snowboarders how to stay up and get started. So we spent nearly 5 hours on different slopes. The one thing I hate about it are the ski lifts but I managed not to fall on them too many times which was a success. Next season I want to practice more often so I could maybe learn a few more tricks. We had an awesome afterski on the bus on the way back. Celebrated our nations birthday and drank a lot of rum.
The next day I woke up and couldn`t straighten both of my arms, my back was hurting and I had bruises all over my legs. Comes to show you that you can be an athlete at your own sports but when you are out of your comfortzone you are just a regular person. :D In any case I went and gave two classes and in addition to those I went to the Aura swimming center for a couple of hours with my family. I`m not gonna lie, this time my favorite thing was just lying around in the water and not very much swimming went down that day.
In any case, a very sporty weekend and my emotsions are running high.
Monday, February 13, 2012
I say YES to ice-skating!
Oi mulle meeldib uisutada ja õnneks sain seda sellel nädalavahetusel lausa 2x teha. Nimelt minu vanematekodulinnas Elvas on tehtud eriti mõnus uisuplats ja uisurada Verevi järve peale. Niisiis võtsin sellest 2 päeva viimast ja uisutasin mõnuga. Kindlasti tahan veel jõuda sinna või ka Tartu uisuplatside peale. No nii meeldib.... :D
I love ice-skating and fortunately I got to go twice this weekend. In my parents hometown Elva they have made the perfect ice-skating ring on the lake so I took the most of it and went both days. Hopefully I get to go again this winter. I just loooove it.
I love ice-skating and fortunately I got to go twice this weekend. In my parents hometown Elva they have made the perfect ice-skating ring on the lake so I took the most of it and went both days. Hopefully I get to go again this winter. I just loooove it.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
I say YES to fun weekends in Tallinn!
Ma armastan Tallinnat! See pole küll päris metropol nagu Stockholm või London, aga võrreldes Tartuga on see ikkagi suurlinn ja mulle meeldib. Mul on olnud võimalus seal kaks sügist elada ja töötada ja kui saaksin, siis koliksin sinna kohe tagasi. Nüüd ma tavaliselt satun sinna koolitustele ja tavaliselt kestavad need ühe päeva, nii et Tallinnat väljaspool trennisaali ei näegi. Eelmisel nädalavahetusel otsustasimegi, et teeme naiste nädalavahetuse Tallinnas. Või noh niivõrd kuivõrd...
Aira ja Risse elavad koos Tallinnas ja Paurik elab ka Tallinnas nii et mina ja Kosa võtsime rongi ja sõitsime ka sinna. Alustame siis sellest, et ma pole oma elus veel ükski kord rongiga Tallinnasse sõitnud ja ei teadnud meie uuenenud rongisüsteemist midagi. Olin positiivselt üllatunud, istmed olid pehmed, jalgadel oli ruumi, vagun oli soe ja pilet oli natuke odavam kui bussiga sõites nii et igaljuhul positiivne kogemus. Ma ütlen JAH rongisõitudele. :D
Eestlastele vist ei pea nüüd meelde tuletama, et see nädalavahetus oli Eestis kõige külmem üldse, aga see meid ei heidutanud. Jõudsime Aira ja Risse juurde, Paurik jõudis ka natuke peale meid, avasime pudeli veini ja Aira tegi meile eriti maitsva mee-sinepi-kana pasta. Nädalavahetus oli alanud. Meil oli tõsiselt äge, rääkisime naistejuttu, jõime, sõime, tegime meiki ja kogu jama. Plaan oli üle vaadata Club Studio, kus toimus Red Bull Whiteout ürituse pre-party. Esimest korda elus läksin kluppi villaste sokkidega nii et rist kirja selle koha pealt :D Ja klubi oli eriti äge, muusika oli väga hea, mina ja Risse igatahes tantsupõrandalt ei lahkunud 96% peol oldud ajast nii et great success.
Laupäeval läksid Aira ja Kosa Helsingisse pidu panema (jah, see on pidutsemise uus tase, ehk siis nädalavahetuseks teise riiki pidutsema :D). Mina ja Risse jäime Tallinnasse. Saime veits śopata ja Solarises sushit süüa ja vaadata kuidas "Ringvaate" saate jaoks filmiti Eesti laulu poolfinaliste. Õhtul avasime uue pudeli veini ja otsustasime, et jääme koju sest väljas vist langes see temperatuur veel madalamale. Tarmo käis külas, mis oli väga tore, sest polnud teda kaua näinud. Ja Sony Entertainmenti pealt algas Seks&Linna maraton nii et igatpidi sobis. Pühapäeva hommikul tegin Rissele hommikusööki. Jah, selline hea sõber olengi :) ja pidingi juba hakkama kodu poole minema.
Kokkuvõttes oli supertore ja õnneks on mul veel asja Tallinnasse lähikuudel, nii et saab veel minna sinna. Jeeeee..
PS! Kõik fotod tegi Risse (Risse blogi)
Aitäh sõbrad, väga kihvt oli!
I love Tallinn! I really do. It`s not exactly a metropol but comparing to Tartu (where I live), it is pretty big. I have lived there for a while when I was dancing in musicals and I loved it. But nowadays I normally go there for workshops and only for 1 day etc. So one weekend me and my friends decided that we will have a girls weekend in Tallinn. well sort of...
So 2 of my close girlfriends live together in Tallinn and one lives with her boyfriend and 2 of us live in Tartu. Complicated much?! :D Anyway, us Tartu girls (me&Kosa) took a train (I say YES to taking a train to Tallinn) on friday evening. I hadn`t been on a train for a very long time and things have changed for the better. The train was extremely convenient and it was warm and it took the same time as the bus but it was a bit cheaper so a positive experience all together. We arrived in Tallinn and now is the time to tell you about the weather. It was THE coldest weekend in Estonia this winter. Temperatures went from -24C to -35C. Yes, when I say cold, it means COLD! :D
We arrived at Risse`s and Aira`s place and decided to immediately open a bottle of wine because we were freezing. Not long after Paurik arrived and Aira made us a very delicious honey-mustard chicken pasta and the weekend had begun. We had the best time, we drank and laughed and had some serious girl talk. One of our friends had some really exiting news which we all were so very happy about ;) and we did each others make up etc. So the whole deal. The plan was to go to a club , not thinking about the -25c weather outside. I don`t think I`ve ever went to a club wearing my woolen socks but this time I did, so check that :D The club was really cool and the music was awesome and we had a great time. Me & Risse danced the whole time, literally, we never left the dancefloor.
On saturday 2 of us went to Helsinki to a big drum`n bass party and so me & Risse were in Tallinn for saturday and sunday. We did a little bit of shopping and went to Solaris center for sushi and saw how they filmed the Eurovision semi-finalists videos there. In the evening , another bottle of wine. Tarmo came over which was cool. And then we had a Sex & the City marathon which is always a good time. I think I need to take the time and write a seperate post about my love for Sex & the City. :D And sunday I made Risse breakfast, yes I know, I am that kind of a best friend. And then headed back home. :(
All and all it was a perfect Tallinn weekend and thankfully I have bussiness in Tallinn in the near future so I get to go again.
Thank you friends , it was awesome!
PS! All photos by my BFF Risse (her blog)
Aira ja Risse elavad koos Tallinnas ja Paurik elab ka Tallinnas nii et mina ja Kosa võtsime rongi ja sõitsime ka sinna. Alustame siis sellest, et ma pole oma elus veel ükski kord rongiga Tallinnasse sõitnud ja ei teadnud meie uuenenud rongisüsteemist midagi. Olin positiivselt üllatunud, istmed olid pehmed, jalgadel oli ruumi, vagun oli soe ja pilet oli natuke odavam kui bussiga sõites nii et igaljuhul positiivne kogemus. Ma ütlen JAH rongisõitudele. :D
Eestlastele vist ei pea nüüd meelde tuletama, et see nädalavahetus oli Eestis kõige külmem üldse, aga see meid ei heidutanud. Jõudsime Aira ja Risse juurde, Paurik jõudis ka natuke peale meid, avasime pudeli veini ja Aira tegi meile eriti maitsva mee-sinepi-kana pasta. Nädalavahetus oli alanud. Meil oli tõsiselt äge, rääkisime naistejuttu, jõime, sõime, tegime meiki ja kogu jama. Plaan oli üle vaadata Club Studio, kus toimus Red Bull Whiteout ürituse pre-party. Esimest korda elus läksin kluppi villaste sokkidega nii et rist kirja selle koha pealt :D Ja klubi oli eriti äge, muusika oli väga hea, mina ja Risse igatahes tantsupõrandalt ei lahkunud 96% peol oldud ajast nii et great success.
Laupäeval läksid Aira ja Kosa Helsingisse pidu panema (jah, see on pidutsemise uus tase, ehk siis nädalavahetuseks teise riiki pidutsema :D). Mina ja Risse jäime Tallinnasse. Saime veits śopata ja Solarises sushit süüa ja vaadata kuidas "Ringvaate" saate jaoks filmiti Eesti laulu poolfinaliste. Õhtul avasime uue pudeli veini ja otsustasime, et jääme koju sest väljas vist langes see temperatuur veel madalamale. Tarmo käis külas, mis oli väga tore, sest polnud teda kaua näinud. Ja Sony Entertainmenti pealt algas Seks&Linna maraton nii et igatpidi sobis. Pühapäeva hommikul tegin Rissele hommikusööki. Jah, selline hea sõber olengi :) ja pidingi juba hakkama kodu poole minema.
Kokkuvõttes oli supertore ja õnneks on mul veel asja Tallinnasse lähikuudel, nii et saab veel minna sinna. Jeeeee..
Paurik tegi väga ilusi meigi, aitäh ;) |
Kosaga ripsmed pikaks ;) |
siis poosetasime |
Ja Aira ja Risse ka poosetasid |
Hommikusöök. |
Seks&Linna maraton-ajee |
Aitäh sõbrad, väga kihvt oli!
I love Tallinn! I really do. It`s not exactly a metropol but comparing to Tartu (where I live), it is pretty big. I have lived there for a while when I was dancing in musicals and I loved it. But nowadays I normally go there for workshops and only for 1 day etc. So one weekend me and my friends decided that we will have a girls weekend in Tallinn. well sort of...
So 2 of my close girlfriends live together in Tallinn and one lives with her boyfriend and 2 of us live in Tartu. Complicated much?! :D Anyway, us Tartu girls (me&Kosa) took a train (I say YES to taking a train to Tallinn) on friday evening. I hadn`t been on a train for a very long time and things have changed for the better. The train was extremely convenient and it was warm and it took the same time as the bus but it was a bit cheaper so a positive experience all together. We arrived in Tallinn and now is the time to tell you about the weather. It was THE coldest weekend in Estonia this winter. Temperatures went from -24C to -35C. Yes, when I say cold, it means COLD! :D
We arrived at Risse`s and Aira`s place and decided to immediately open a bottle of wine because we were freezing. Not long after Paurik arrived and Aira made us a very delicious honey-mustard chicken pasta and the weekend had begun. We had the best time, we drank and laughed and had some serious girl talk. One of our friends had some really exiting news which we all were so very happy about ;) and we did each others make up etc. So the whole deal. The plan was to go to a club , not thinking about the -25c weather outside. I don`t think I`ve ever went to a club wearing my woolen socks but this time I did, so check that :D The club was really cool and the music was awesome and we had a great time. Me & Risse danced the whole time, literally, we never left the dancefloor.
On saturday 2 of us went to Helsinki to a big drum`n bass party and so me & Risse were in Tallinn for saturday and sunday. We did a little bit of shopping and went to Solaris center for sushi and saw how they filmed the Eurovision semi-finalists videos there. In the evening , another bottle of wine. Tarmo came over which was cool. And then we had a Sex & the City marathon which is always a good time. I think I need to take the time and write a seperate post about my love for Sex & the City. :D And sunday I made Risse breakfast, yes I know, I am that kind of a best friend. And then headed back home. :(
All and all it was a perfect Tallinn weekend and thankfully I have bussiness in Tallinn in the near future so I get to go again.
Thank you friends , it was awesome!
PS! All photos by my BFF Risse (her blog)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
I say YES to the "My ..." series books.
Mõned teist võibolla juba teavad, aga eelmine suvi otsustasin ma, et tahan läbi lugeda kõik "Minu...." seeria reisiraamatud. Alustasingi esimesena "Minu Ameerika I&II" lugemisest ja sellest ajast alates olen sõltuvuses. Siiamaani olen olnud nendega võrdlemisi järjekindel ja loetud raamatute list järjest täieneb. Mingisse pingejärjekorda ma neid ei paneks sest kui ma saaks, siis ma külastaks ise kõiki neid riike, aga kirjutajad on olnud väga erinevatel põhjustel nendes erinevates riikides ja see teeb ka raamatud kõik huvitavaks. Naljakas on muidugi see, et ma olen tihti mõelnud, et välismaal oleks lahe elada, aga olen neid raamatuid lugedes tihti pidanud endale tunnistama, et Eestis on ikka tegelikult täitsa hea. Ja isegi kui ma kavatsen kindlasti mingi hetk siit kasvõi väheseks ajaks ära kolida, siis võin rahumeelega siia alati tagasi tulla ja see teeb tuju heaks :)
Igaljuhul tahaksin jagada teiega oma siiamaani 3 lemmikut, et kui kellelgi veel on soovi neid lugeda, siis kuna neid on tõsiselt palju, oleks valik äkki lihtsam.

*Viimasena lõpetasin just "Minu Pariis" lugemise. Autor Urmas Väljaots kolib Pariisi, et minna seal moekooli. Mulle väga väga meeldis Pariisi raamat, see on alati olnud üks linn, kuhu olen tahtnud jõuda. Autor räägib seal ka palju moeteemadel, mis mulle isiklikult väga huvi pakuvad, nii et kellele ei ole nimed Karl Lagerfeld, Gucci ja Louis Vuitton võõrad, soovitan lugeda.
*"Minu Guatemala" - kuna see riik asub meie ontlikust Eestist väga kaugel ja kultuuri ja rahva ja riigi erinevused on väga suured, siis on see tõsiselt huvitav lugemine. Autor Kaja Kahu kolib Guatemalasse koos oma diplomaadist abikaasa, noorema lapse ja koeraga ja kirjeldab nende eluolu seal, olles seal nö rikkad inimesed vaeses riigis. Soovitan soojalt.
*"Minu Eesti I" - autor ameeriklane Justin Petrone on väga humoorikalt toonud välja oma nägemised Eesti elust. Kuidas ta avastab siin elades sauna, kuidas ei suuda ta välismaalasena hinnata verivorsti jnejne. Väga lahe on lugeda välismaalase nägemust Eestist, sest paljud asjad mis meile on nii iseenesestmõistetavad on välismaalastele täielik müstika. Plaanin kindlasti ka "Minu Eesti 2" ette võtta :)
Siiamaani on mul juba loetud:Minu Ameerika I&II, Eesti, Pariis, Itaalia, Ibiza, London, Hispaania, Bollywood. Ja tänu mu sünnipäevale ja suurepärastele sõpradele ootavad mind veel kapi peal nüüd "Minu Taani, Tai, Moldova & Argentiina".
Ma ütlen JAH lugemisele!
There is a series of travel books that are published in Estonia. Different estonians have lived in different cities or countries and have now written books about them. There are a lot of them and they are really interesting because it`s always fun to learn and read about different countries and how their culture differences from ours etc.
So a while ago I decided that by some time I want to read all of them :) I already started last summer and so far I have read "My Paris, Guatemala, Estonia, America, Italy, Spain, Bollywood, London, Ibiza". And because it was my birthday my friends also gave me "My Argentina, Tai, Denmark and Moldova" so my list keeps getting longer.
I say YES to reading more books. :)
Igaljuhul tahaksin jagada teiega oma siiamaani 3 lemmikut, et kui kellelgi veel on soovi neid lugeda, siis kuna neid on tõsiselt palju, oleks valik äkki lihtsam.

*"Minu Guatemala" - kuna see riik asub meie ontlikust Eestist väga kaugel ja kultuuri ja rahva ja riigi erinevused on väga suured, siis on see tõsiselt huvitav lugemine. Autor Kaja Kahu kolib Guatemalasse koos oma diplomaadist abikaasa, noorema lapse ja koeraga ja kirjeldab nende eluolu seal, olles seal nö rikkad inimesed vaeses riigis. Soovitan soojalt.

Siiamaani on mul juba loetud:Minu Ameerika I&II, Eesti, Pariis, Itaalia, Ibiza, London, Hispaania, Bollywood. Ja tänu mu sünnipäevale ja suurepärastele sõpradele ootavad mind veel kapi peal nüüd "Minu Taani, Tai, Moldova & Argentiina".
Ma ütlen JAH lugemisele!
There is a series of travel books that are published in Estonia. Different estonians have lived in different cities or countries and have now written books about them. There are a lot of them and they are really interesting because it`s always fun to learn and read about different countries and how their culture differences from ours etc.
So a while ago I decided that by some time I want to read all of them :) I already started last summer and so far I have read "My Paris, Guatemala, Estonia, America, Italy, Spain, Bollywood, London, Ibiza". And because it was my birthday my friends also gave me "My Argentina, Tai, Denmark and Moldova" so my list keeps getting longer.
I say YES to reading more books. :)
Friday, January 20, 2012
I say YES to being more acquiescent.
Okei, seda otsust peab nüüd natuke seletama. Tahan sellega öelda, et jällegi kord olen viimastel päevadel tulnud arusaamisele, et on asju, mis ei olene absoluutselt minust ja mille peale vihastamine on lihtsalt ajaraiskamine. Ja peab olema rohkem leppiv ja nö valima oma lahingud mida pidada, sest kõiki neid sõdida pole lihtsalt tervisele kasulik :D
Nagu näiteks nüüd see lumi, mis on vallutanud Eestimaa. Ei saa just öelda, et ma kohe alguses olin leppiv sellega. Ma olin püstivihane kui jälle olid kõik teed lumised, auto ainult uisutas ja kuskile parkida ei saanud sest lumevallid olid puusani. Paar päeva ma mõtlesin, et ma helistan ja annan oma töö ära ja ei pista üldse pead teki alt välja. Kolmandal päeval jõudsin aga arusaamisele, et ma ei saa selle vastu mitte kui vähimatki teha, et see lumi jälle maha sadas. Nii et ma läksin ostsin endale uued paksud püksid ja panin labida autosse ja aksepteerisin seda, et lumi on Eesti talve osa ja õigem oleks seda nautida. :) Mõeldud- tehtud. Täna otsustasin auto üldse maja ette jätta ja jala tööle kõndida ja ausalt öeldes oli väga mõnus vahelduseks värsket õhku hingata ja lumine Tartu ei näe üldse paha välja.
Teine intsident, mis minuga siin juhtus, täpsemalt üleeile, oli see, et keegi halb inimene otsustas endaga kaasa viia mu auto ilukilbid. Olin esialgu sõnatu, sest see on üks vastik tunne kui võetakse sinult midagi, mis on sinu oma. Tahaks olla vihane ja kuri ja kõike korraga selle inimese peale. Samas hakkad mõtlema, et no mis ma selle vastu oleks teha saanud, ega vist mitte midagi. Auto seisis avalikus parklas, kus ta on seisnud korduvalt ja sellist asja ei oska ette näha. Nii et ma siis otsustasin mitte vihastada vaid pigem leppida asjaoluga, et kellegil oli neid ilukilpe rohkem vaja kui mul. :D
Sellist leppimise tunnet on viimase aasta jooksul olnud mul palju, olen hakanud valima neid lahinguid mida pidada. Töö juures vanasti läksin väga kergesti närvi ja ärritusin asjade ja inimeste peale tihti. Nüüd olen aru saanud, et väga paljud nendest asjadest ei olene üldse minust, nii et milleks ennast üldse paanikasse viia. Leppimine endast mittesõltuvate asjade suhtes on väga tänuväärt olnud mu närvikavale ja kavatsen ka edaspidi jälgida, millele tasub oma energiat kulutada ja millele mitte. Soovitan teistelegi ;)
Okay, this is a decision I must explain a bit. I want to say that once again the last few days I've come to realize that there are things which are absolutely non-dependent of me and on top of which are just a waste of time getting angry of. And I have to be more acquiescent of choosing my battles, because you can`t win them all, plus all the fighting is bad for my health anyway. :D First example is the snow, which has invaded Estonia. I can`t say I was accepting from the beginning. I was so angry when it started snowing, all the roads were snowy, my car was literally skating on the streets, and there was no place to park the car because the snowbanks were huge. A couple of days I thought I`d call and miss work and not even get out bed. But on the third day I came to realize that the snow will not go away just because I want it to. So I went and bought myself new warm skipants and put my snowshovel in the car and it was accepted that the snow is part of the Estonian winter, and it would be better to enjoy it. :) Today I even decided to leave the car at home and walk to work and frankly it was a very nice change of pace, I could breathe fresh air and Tartu looks good when it`s snowy. Another incident that happened to me here, namely the day before yesterday, was that a bad person, decided to steal my cars wheel covers. I was speechless at first, because it is a nasty feeling when someone takes something that is yours. I wanted to be angry against this man who did it but at the same time began to think that there was nothing I could do to prevent this from happening. The car was standing in the public parking lot, where it has been parked many times before. So I couldn`t have known that night would be the night someone would steal from my car. So I decided not to be angry but rather aknowledge the fact that somebody needed the wheel covers more than I did. :D
I`ve felt the feeling of reconciliation a lot over the past year. I had a lot of incidents where I had to choose the battles to fight. All sorts of stupid things irritated me at work in the past. But now, I understand that many of these things do not depend on me at all, so why bring yourself panicking at all. I`m gonna keep up being more accepting the facts which are non-dependent of me and save my nerves a lot more I recommend it to everyone ;)
Nagu näiteks nüüd see lumi, mis on vallutanud Eestimaa. Ei saa just öelda, et ma kohe alguses olin leppiv sellega. Ma olin püstivihane kui jälle olid kõik teed lumised, auto ainult uisutas ja kuskile parkida ei saanud sest lumevallid olid puusani. Paar päeva ma mõtlesin, et ma helistan ja annan oma töö ära ja ei pista üldse pead teki alt välja. Kolmandal päeval jõudsin aga arusaamisele, et ma ei saa selle vastu mitte kui vähimatki teha, et see lumi jälle maha sadas. Nii et ma läksin ostsin endale uued paksud püksid ja panin labida autosse ja aksepteerisin seda, et lumi on Eesti talve osa ja õigem oleks seda nautida. :) Mõeldud- tehtud. Täna otsustasin auto üldse maja ette jätta ja jala tööle kõndida ja ausalt öeldes oli väga mõnus vahelduseks värsket õhku hingata ja lumine Tartu ei näe üldse paha välja.
Teine intsident, mis minuga siin juhtus, täpsemalt üleeile, oli see, et keegi halb inimene otsustas endaga kaasa viia mu auto ilukilbid. Olin esialgu sõnatu, sest see on üks vastik tunne kui võetakse sinult midagi, mis on sinu oma. Tahaks olla vihane ja kuri ja kõike korraga selle inimese peale. Samas hakkad mõtlema, et no mis ma selle vastu oleks teha saanud, ega vist mitte midagi. Auto seisis avalikus parklas, kus ta on seisnud korduvalt ja sellist asja ei oska ette näha. Nii et ma siis otsustasin mitte vihastada vaid pigem leppida asjaoluga, et kellegil oli neid ilukilpe rohkem vaja kui mul. :D
Sellist leppimise tunnet on viimase aasta jooksul olnud mul palju, olen hakanud valima neid lahinguid mida pidada. Töö juures vanasti läksin väga kergesti närvi ja ärritusin asjade ja inimeste peale tihti. Nüüd olen aru saanud, et väga paljud nendest asjadest ei olene üldse minust, nii et milleks ennast üldse paanikasse viia. Leppimine endast mittesõltuvate asjade suhtes on väga tänuväärt olnud mu närvikavale ja kavatsen ka edaspidi jälgida, millele tasub oma energiat kulutada ja millele mitte. Soovitan teistelegi ;)
Okay, this is a decision I must explain a bit. I want to say that once again the last few days I've come to realize that there are things which are absolutely non-dependent of me and on top of which are just a waste of time getting angry of. And I have to be more acquiescent of choosing my battles, because you can`t win them all, plus all the fighting is bad for my health anyway. :D First example is the snow, which has invaded Estonia. I can`t say I was accepting from the beginning. I was so angry when it started snowing, all the roads were snowy, my car was literally skating on the streets, and there was no place to park the car because the snowbanks were huge. A couple of days I thought I`d call and miss work and not even get out bed. But on the third day I came to realize that the snow will not go away just because I want it to. So I went and bought myself new warm skipants and put my snowshovel in the car and it was accepted that the snow is part of the Estonian winter, and it would be better to enjoy it. :) Today I even decided to leave the car at home and walk to work and frankly it was a very nice change of pace, I could breathe fresh air and Tartu looks good when it`s snowy. Another incident that happened to me here, namely the day before yesterday, was that a bad person, decided to steal my cars wheel covers. I was speechless at first, because it is a nasty feeling when someone takes something that is yours. I wanted to be angry against this man who did it but at the same time began to think that there was nothing I could do to prevent this from happening. The car was standing in the public parking lot, where it has been parked many times before. So I couldn`t have known that night would be the night someone would steal from my car. So I decided not to be angry but rather aknowledge the fact that somebody needed the wheel covers more than I did. :D
I`ve felt the feeling of reconciliation a lot over the past year. I had a lot of incidents where I had to choose the battles to fight. All sorts of stupid things irritated me at work in the past. But now, I understand that many of these things do not depend on me at all, so why bring yourself panicking at all. I`m gonna keep up being more accepting the facts which are non-dependent of me and save my nerves a lot more I recommend it to everyone ;)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
I say YES to game nights!
Eile õhtul mõtlesime, et võiks kokku saada ja lauamänge mängida. Ma olen alati tahtnud seda teha, aga ausalt öeldes ei ole selleni reaalselt väga tihti jõudnud. Kuna mina isiklikult olin eriti huvitatud scrabble'i mängimisest sest polnud seda varem mänginud, siis nii läkski. Saime kokku mina, Kosa, Peeter, Kadri, Martin ja Olivia. Varusime snäkke ja saime sünnipäevast järele jäänud šampust juua. Ja mängisime! Tegime 2 vooru..esimene kord kaotasin sest no tundub et eesti keel pole mu emakeel, no kohe mitte ei tahtnud need sõnad tulla pähe. :D Aga teinekord, olles võistkonnas Peetriga võtsime võidu. Muidugi pidime koguma ka natuke stiilipunkte ja laduma lauale näiteks sõna "v...t". Aga no see oli seda väärt sest võidu me saime :D Igaljuhul on kindlasti plaanis selliseid õhtuid veel teha sest mu lauamängude list mis vajab mängimist on veel pikk. :)
Last night we thought that we should get together with friends and have a game night.I`ve always wanted to have fun game nights with my friends but never really have gotten around to it. I wanted to play scrabble because I hadn't played it before. So we did!! A group of my friends got together, we had snacks and leftover drinks from my birthday party and it was on. The first round I lost because it seems estonian isn't my first language, the words were just impossible to put together. :D But the second round I was teamed up with Peeter and then we won. We also had to use some dirty words but it was all worth it in the end :p Anyway, I'm planning to have many more of these nights because my games list that I want to play is still pretty long. :)
Last night we thought that we should get together with friends and have a game night.I`ve always wanted to have fun game nights with my friends but never really have gotten around to it. I wanted to play scrabble because I hadn't played it before. So we did!! A group of my friends got together, we had snacks and leftover drinks from my birthday party and it was on. The first round I lost because it seems estonian isn't my first language, the words were just impossible to put together. :D But the second round I was teamed up with Peeter and then we won. We also had to use some dirty words but it was all worth it in the end :p Anyway, I'm planning to have many more of these nights because my games list that I want to play is still pretty long. :)
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